Antioxidants on the rise lately because of its ability to protect cells from free radical damage. Some chronic diseases such as heart or cancer also mentioned the occur-induced free radicals.
An antioxidant can include vitamins, minerals or enzymes, which exist in certain foods and supplements. But unfortunately, still many of us that are difficult to implement diet (eating) healthy such as eating fruits and vegetables. Yet precisely the source of many antioxidants found in vegetables and fruits. Here are 7 Super Antioxidants are good for the body:
1. Ellagic Acid
These compounds, commonly found in red raspberries and can be regarded as one of the most potent cancer fighter because it has antimutagenic properties. A study at Hollings Cancer Center at the Medical University of South California (MUSC) found that ellagic acid works to slow the growth of abnormal cells in the human gut and prevent infected cells from the human papilloma virus (HPV), associated with cervical cancer.
In fact, these compounds attack only cancer cells without harming healthy cells, a process that is useful in the fight against prostate, breast, lung, esophageal and skin cancers. Other studies have also shown that ellagic acid can fight heart disease, reduce the risk of birth defects and accelerate wound healing.
Sources: Raspberry red, pomegranate, strawberries, blueberries and walnuts.
2. Proanthocyanidins
This antioxidant flavonoids still includes the family. Proanthocyanidins are the compounds that give red and blue colors in fruits, and has proven beneficial to strengthen capillaries, improve vision in the dark, supporting the integrity of the walls of blood vessels and prevent blood clotting. Proanthocyanidins may reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer, and protect against urinary tract infections.
Sources: Raisin, grape seed, grape skin, bilberry, cranberry, black currant, green tea, black tea, pine bark, cocoa.
3. Glutathione
Glutathione is a very small molecule and is the most important antioxidant because it is located in the cell. This molecule is able to neutralize free radicals, boosts the immune system and helps the liver remove toxins from the body. Glutathione is often called the "master antioxidant" because it serves as a regulator and regenerator of immune cells and the most valuable detoxifying agent in the human body. Low levels of glutathione in the body is closely related to liver dysfunction, immune dysfunction, cardiovascular disease, premature aging and death.
Sources: Goat's milk, whey protein, asparagus, avocado, parsley, broccoli. Polyphenols
This represents a large group of micronutrient antioxidants including flavonoids and anthocyanidins. According to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, this compound has been shown to prevent degenerative conditions, including cancer and cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases.
Sources: Strawberries, green tea, black tea, grape skins, red wine, onions, broccoli, green vegetables, apples, blueberries, cocoa (fruits and vegetables all contain several polyphenols in part)
4. Vitamin E
The most popular form of vitamin E is alpha-tocopherol, in addition to the gamma-tocopherol. A study in the Journal of National Cancer Institute found that the risk of prostate cancer decreased significantly with high levels of vitamin E. It is known that men with alpha-tocopherol levels in the blood, 51 percent less to develop prostate cancer. While the high levels of gamma-tocopherol in the blood, 43 percent less likely to develop the disease.
Sources: Nuts, vegetable oil, corn oil, green leafy vegetables.
5. Carotenoids
Karetenoid is fat-soluble micronutrients, which is known as beta-carotene (which can be converted into vitamin A in the body). Mikronutien is believed effective against free radicals, inhibit and prevent cervical cancer, lung, prostate, colon, endometrial and esophageal cancers.
Sources: citrus, vegetables and fruits colored dark green and yellow, such as sweet potatoes, apricots, turnips, carrots, melons, pumpkins and tomatoes. Eggs and spirulina are also good sources.
6. Ozone:
Ozone is a super antioxidant and super-detox which selectively removes viruses, bacteria, toxic metals, and other pathogens from the body. Ozone therapy is effective for treating various diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, eczema, acne, Lyme, chronic fatigue, and countless other conditions. Ozone has even been used to treat cancer throughout the world for 50 years, with an impressive success rate.
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