» Become a pH Miracle Coach!
Posted by
thomenda7xx on Monday, January 21, 2013

pH MIRACLE COACH TRAINING PROGRAM Here is your golden opportunity to become a Certified pH Miracle Coach! This program is a 3 week course with conference calls, power point presentations and video conferencing when needed. Dr. Robert O. Young and Shelley Redford Young will be teaching a segment of this course, along with Co-Directors of our Coaching Division; Dawn Kali and Caroline Robitaille. Once you have completed this course there will be follow up support with further education and help with expanding your business.
The course will run from February 18, 2013 through March 7, 2013.
The pH Miracle® Center is in need of pH Miracle® Coaches that will agree to teach 100% Dr. Robert O. Young and Shelley Redford Young's teachings. They've spent the last 30 years researching and developing this protocol and now we need your help to spread this around the world. If you want to be a part of the pH Miracle® Coaching Program and you can commit to teaching their protocol—without exception—then this course is for you.
For more details please contact Dawn.kali@phmiracle.com or Caroline.Robitaille@phmiracle.com
- The pH Miracle Institute / Enrollment Staff |

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