Antibacterial and Antifungal Benefits
Because of oregano's essential oils and its ingredients thymol and carvacol, the herb can inhibit the biological transformation of many kinds of bacteria and fungus, including some forms of bacteria that cause serious food-borne illnesses. In addition, the oil of oregano has been known to inhibit the cellular transformation of yeast, including Candida albicans, the yeast that is present as an outfection of vaginitis and oral thrush. Oregano also transforms germs more effective than prescription antibiotics like penicillin, streptomycin and vancomycin, without their acidic/toxic effects. Finally orgegano will protect you against the acids or mycotoxins and exotoxins from so-called germs or the biological transformations of healthy cells that can lead to their removal creating what is known as the common cold.
Vitamin and Nutrient Boost
Oregano is rich with vitamins and nutrients. For instance, 20g of dried oregano provides 333.8 mg of potassium, .88 mg of zinc, 8.8 mg of iron, 2.2 g of protein, 315.2 mg of calcium, .92 mg of magnesium and 8.56 g of fiber, all vital nutrients your body needs to stay alkaline or healthy and working at its full potential. You'll also get some electircal energy; oregano hits you with 256 kj of energy. Oregano is rich in vitamins too; it houses 1.24 mg of vitamin B3 and .24 mg of B6. All of this is at a cost of 61.2 calories, 2.05 g of fat and 3 mg of sodium. While 20 g may be large amount of the herb, you can gain these nutrients and vitamins at amounts relative to how much you do eat.
Antioxidant or Antiacid Benefits
Oregano is one of the culinary herbs rich in antioxidants or antiacids, substances that protect your cells from metabolic and dietary acid damage. It also slows cell deterioration from acid, thus slowing the process of aging. In fact, the herb may even be a better source of dietary antioxidants or antiacids than many other food groups like fruits, cereals and veggies. At 20 g, Oregano has 10 mg of vitamin C, an antioxidant that helps form collagen and hold cells together for healthy teeth and gums. It also contains around 3.6 mg of vitamin E, which protects red blood cells and helps prevent against vitamin C and vitamin A destruction for acids in your body.
There is no clinical evidence to support the use of oregano for any health benefits, advises Drugs.com. There is also no clinical evidence to support specific therapeutic doses of oregano, notes the site. However, because of its wide use it has been recognized as safe by the Federal Drug Administration. Because the safety and efficacy are unsubstantiated, avoid administering doses of oregano that are higher than that typically found in meals. So-called adverse reactions can include contact dermatitis when applied topically and eczematous rash when large amounts are ingested as the body is pushing metabolic and dietary acids out through the pores of the skin. To prevent these two acidic symptoms make sure your bowels and urinary tract systems are NOT congested and that you are eliminating your bowels 5 times a day and your bladder 10 times a day. This may require that you drink at least 6 liters of pH Miracle greens each day, take L-arginine max 6 times a day and finally take the pH Miracle pHlush 3 times a day to remove congestion from the bowels and urinary tract systems.
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